About Oddville and Company

About Project Oddville

Here's where I post a big long story about how Project Oddville came to be, and how it's evolved.. but the truth is, I only entered the loop in November 2003, long after BlackMage created the comic. So, I will leave the History of Oddville to the people responsible for it, BlackMage and Takkun. The most I've contributed to the comic itself is a few laughs, an idea here and there, and a few very poorly drawn guest comics.

My Take On Oddville.

My first exposure to Project Oddville was in class one day. BlackMage was drawing a comic, and I asked him what it was. It seemed kinda funny, but it wasn't until December that I started getting into it. The comics started getting hilarious. BlackMage took the dullest of things and warped them with his twisted sense of humor. I never once failed to laugh at one. It was then that I had suggested putting them online. 'In good time' BlackMage told me. When I was introduced as a character in the comic, it was even funnier seeing myself in comic form. I really supported BlackMage on this, as I know anyone with a sense of humor like ours would be amused by this. To make a long story short, I couldn't let Oddville be forever nothing but a peice of lined paper in a binder. And now we've made it to the Internet. Mission accomplished. If people like it? Bonus!

The People Behind Oddville.

Now, I present, The People Behind Oddville - Who we are and what role we play in this maddness.

Paul Kamo, AKA The BlackMage - Paul is behind all this insanity. He created the first Oddville strip in chuch one day... and never would have though that I'd enjoy it so much, or push him to put it online. A little bit about Paul: He's 19 (as of May 2004) and lives in Thunder Bay, Canada. He's half japanese and half french. That's relavant becuase people like to make fun of one side or the other, leading to rants, and sometimes Oddville comics. He tends to be angry. His moniker, the BlackMage, is from Brian Clevenger's Eight-Bit Theater (or the early Final Fantasy series). If any fictional character would represent Paul, it IS BlackMage. Angry, prone to violence and a sarcastic wit about him, which makes Oddville so funny. His faveorite quote? "I AM THE BLACKMAGE! I CAST THE SPELLS THAT MAKES THE PEOPLES FALL DOWN!"

Jeffery Kamo AKA Clone, AKA Takkun AKA Melf - Jeff is Paul's cousin, also half Japanese. Though they look alike at first - thus earning him the nickname Clone - Paul and Jeff are quite opposite people. Jeff is the ying to Paul's yang. He's also the only one with any HTML skill or experience, making him Site Designer and Webmaster. He's responsible for everything you're looking at. Jeff, unlike Paul, is way into his Japanese side. He is going to move to Japan someday, and picked a Japanese name which he prefers to be called by. Takkun wasn't his number 1 choice but it's a lot more fun to say. His actual chosen Japanese name is Keiji. Jeff is 17 (as of February 2004), the younger member of the 'Council of Kamo' and can kick your ass in a second. Seriously.

Cory Ferguson AKA FillerKori - And now to me. "What the HELL do you do, Kori?" You may ask.. As of right now, not much. Aside from giving Paul a few ideas now and then, and drawing shitty comics out of boredom, I don't have many skills to contribute to the comic. So, my job in this whole thing is features - like what I'm writing right now. I'm responsible for all the content on the site aside from individual rants and the comics themselves. Not to mention the "public relations" thing. I get to deal with the dumb people who send me emails that say "OMG UR COMIK SUX!!1one!" as well as the people with genuninely positive, or well written negative comments. I'm the sound board. If your hatemail is intended for Paul, chances are I'll catch it first. Worthwhile comments get forwarded to whoever it's intended for.

Oh, Why FillerKori? Becuase I fill the site with useless crap people read out of boredom! A little about myself: At 16 (as of August 2003), I'm the youngest in this operation (kind of funny that they'd leave all the site content to me, eh?) but I'm also the most excited for the chance to be on a Webcomic's staff. I'm VERY deep into many of the different webcomics out there, and I've been trying, unsuccessfully, for three years to create my own webcomic with different friends. Then along came Paul and Oddville. The best part is, Paul and Jeff are my best friends, so it'll be a pleasure doing this comic, successful or not!
Note: So why Kori isntead of Cory? Well Kori, shortened from Kouri, means "ice" in Japanese. He liked the idea, so he went with it. Nothing to it! -Takkun

Well, there's all you need to know about the comic and the minds behind it for now. I may update this in the future.

- Kori

Project Oddville is updated weekly, probably randomly, but with a goal of Monday and Friday. and possibly Wednesday if we're lucky enough.

Anyone want to contact us, click HERE to E-Mail Kori.

Copyright Paul Kamo 2003-2004. Website design by Jeffrey Kamo
Project Oddville is hosted on Keenspace, a free web hosting and site automation service for webcomics
Happy Noodle Boy, Copyright of Jhonan Vasquez